Friday, July 4, 2008

My favorite picture of Summer.

This is a picture that I took of my niece Summer (she is the one in the pink shirt) when she was almost a year old. We were at the zoo. I like this picture because of the look on her face. She was giving us attitude even at a year old. I will always remember that she had the best facial expressions. It was almost amazing how such a young child could have so many facial expressions. This picture will always make me smile.

Emily this is for you.

Okay my niece Emily had to get after me to update my blog. So here goes. As I have mentioned in previous posts I am a hockey fan, I guess one could say that I am a huge hockey fan. This year was great for hockey especially being a Pittsburgh Penguins fan. They made it to The Stanley Cup Finals, and while they lost the cup to a team that will not be mentioned here, they still out played them. You will understand this if you watched game 5 the one that ended only after a triple overtime. In the last 30 seconds Maxim Talbot scored for The Pens to tie the game and send it in to the first overtime. I must admit that I did not think that they had a prayer but little did I know who was in net for us. Every time the other team had a shot on net it was denied by Fleury. Then in the middle of the 2nd overtime Petr Sykora said to the reporter sitting by the players bench that he was going to score the winning goal. I instantly thought that he had jinxed the game, and almost turned it off so that I would not watch them lose. I did not however and I am so glad that I watched until the end. Petr Sykora did just what he said he would do, yep he scored the winning goal. This game has landed itself on my Ipod and number 2 on my all time great hockey games list. The first one this list is, of course the 1980 men's hockey team beating The Russians at the 1980 olympics. Can anyone say that this was not the greatest moment is sports history. Okay, now that I have spewed about how great I think Hockey is I can move on to other things, or maybe not because that game 5 has been the most exciting thing in my life lately. So, until next time. Adios.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I am a big Hockey Fan and my team is the Pittsburg Penguins. They have made it to the Stanley Cup this year. Go Pens.

These are pictures of my cat Trinity. These are some of the many places that I have found her under the sink in the bathroom, in my scrapbook bag, and in a bag full of paper scraps. She seems to like to find new places for me to find her. I even found her in the dryer once. She is just a little silly.

The girl in this picture is my niece Lexie. She is so cute! The little boy is my cute nephew Joshua. His name for me has been "Burger" and he calls Lexie his sister "Duckie". This picture was taken at my Grandma Lillywhite's burial.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My very first post

I made this blog because my Nephews have one and I felt left out. Now they cannot say that I do not have one. My nephew Ryan has a blog and his AKA is Watty, my other nephew is Shawn and his AKA is Pwee. We have made movies and slideshows of our family. Watty and Pwee are much better at movie making than me. I am getting better at it but it will take some time. I will be adding more to this blog later. I have some cats that I want to add to it because cats are the coolest animal. I really like Killer and Humpback Whales too. They are so pretty. I am also a Photographer. I will add more of my best pics for those who want to see them. Berta out for now.