Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Gym

Okay, for those of you that work with me or have read my posts on Facebook, you will know that I have been going to the gym to workout for about 3 weeks now. I have seen some pretty scary things, and I am not referring to myself in the mirror. The first day I went I noticed a human, I call it that because I am still not sure if it is male or female. I have since figure out that it is a male because no woman should wear what he was wearing yesterday.

There are the gym bunnies, I call them that because they are not interested in getting fit or healthy. They are there to get a man, and they could not make it any more obvious, they may as well just post their phone number on their chest. Oh, wait that would mean that there would be something to cover it up with so never mind.

Then there are the Arnold wantabe's, you know the type, always looking at themselves lift weights in the mirror. I even had one follow me up to the bikes, sit right in front of me and start flexing away. I wanted to vomit.

It has been entertaining to say the least. I think I will keep going, even if it is to get a good laugh at someone elses expense. I am sure that they are laughing at mine. HA HA....